The Theodore Burr Covered Bridge Society of PA is a 501(c)(3)Nonprofit Organization APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP
Enclosed are my dues for the class membership I have checked below. (See note below to pay dues through PayPal)
NAME:______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________________________________ CITY:_______________________COUNTY_____________STATE___ZIP:___________________ (9 digits) TELEPHONE_____________________ EMAIL ADDRESS____________________________________________ My occupation, business or profession____________________________________________________________ Tell us how your heard about our Society___________________________________________________________ *If you represent a business or club, please identify it by its full name: New members and current members may pay their dues through PayPal (does not apply to Lifetime memberships). Log in to your PayPal account and send your membership dues to: Your dues will be sent to Treasurer Judy Kuether. Please add $1 to your total dues to help offset PayPal fees. |
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